Driven Mallard Shooting

Taking place from September onward, Drumbanagher’s unique duck shoot is both well-known and respected for producing the finest and most challenging sport. Mallard can be shot in several areas throughout the demesne including woodland settings with natural bogs and secret pools.

Drumbanagher’s duck shooting is considered without peer by highly discerning sportsmen who travel the country in search of an ultimate shooting experience. The average size of the bag is around 200 birds per flight with 6-8 guns shooting, but the total may be varied to suit the particular requirements of the Client. A minimum bag of 120 birds applies on all dedicated duck days.

The Drives

The 8 named drives including


The Avenue,

The Bog Pond,




Clay Park

and The Back Pond

provide variety of settings and shooting options for visiting Clients.

Format of the Day

Mallard shooting at Drumbanagher is extremely flexible and can be conducted as a standalone morning of sport with timing and arrangements similar to our pheasant shooting. Mallard shooting can also take place in late afternoon/early evening or can be incorporated with driven pheasant for variety according to season.

Taking place within the confines of the demesne, duck drives are only a short distance apart meaning that the next peg is only a short walk away. However, as with pheasant shooting at Drumbanagher, mechanised transport can be arranged or visiting Guns are free to their own 4-wheel drive vehicles should this be preferred.


Guns are greeted with tea and coffee at the shooting lodge before shooting commences.


On dedicated duck days après-shoot light refreshments are served in the Shooting Lodge providing Clients the opportunity to discuss the sport and to congratulate (or commiserate) on the individual’s performance on this most sporting of quarry.


Partners and non-shooting guests welcomed by prior arrangement.



Contact us now for more information, bookings, or with your specific requirements.

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